Projects in Madagascar

Madagascar, Ambanja: Hospital Center

September 2018 

Bacteriologically clean drinking water is now flowing in the Ambanja Hospital Center.

Ambanja is a city in the north of Madagascar on the river Sambirano. It is 700 kilometers from the capital Antananarivo. Ambanja is the economic and cultural center of a heavily agricultural region with over 200,000 inhabitants. The population in the city is estimated at just over 30,000. It is a climatically favored region for the cultivation of cocoa in Madagascar, the only place where the country's cocoa comes from, which unfortunately does not always benefit the population. The standard of living is extremely low. 

The hospital center is run by 2 medical specialists, 14 general practitioners, 68 paramedics, 10 administrators and 2 assistants. The water that passes through the Waterflow filtration system comes from the public water supply system managed by the company JIRAMA (Water and Electricity of Madagascar). The water arrives in a tank on the roof of the building before it flows through aqua pura's waterflow system.

The aqua pura team would like to thank Peter Preisig (member of aqua pura) for the transfer of the Waterflow system to Madagascar. We also thank Helvetas Switzerland and Madagascar, which enabled us to commission the first aqua pura drinking water system in Madagascar for the benefit of patients and staff.

More details see project blog


Madagaskar, University: Investigation of the drinking water quality

July 2009 

aqua pura has been in contact with Professor Daniel Ramampiherika since 2008. He is a researcher, teacher and director of the Institute of Marine Research at the University of Tuléar. The professor examines the drinking water quality of wells in Madagascar. It is the same problem as in many countries: The contamination of wells with E.coli bacteria or other bacteria that cause diseases. For the investigations, aqua pura has provided a Waterdrop 1 device. Hereby the professor tests whether the extracted water can be cleaned by the procedure used by aqua pura and the devices provided. This has been confirmed in each of his tests. 

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