Projects in Nigeria

Nigeria, Afi Mountains: Second water purification project

December 2016

The second water purification project in the Afi mountains (Nigeria) was realized by the Tengwood Organization. Now bacteriologically clean drinking water flows.

This second larger facility with a Waterflow 600 system was successfully installed in the Cross River National Park. The water purification system is available to the 80 rangers and the village population of Butatong. The water supply in the camp and the surrounding villages was very precarious. Thanks to this facility, people can now obtain bacteriologically clean drinking water.

For more details see project blog: and Tengwood Newsletter


Nigeria, Afi Mountains: Water purification project for the ranger station

April 2015

A water purification project in Nigeria, together with www.tengwood.orgWith the small handy water purification device "Waterdrop 1" bacteriologically unsafe water can be made to drinking water in a 1 1/2 litre PET bottle. Ideal for the ranger station in the Afi Mountains. The system was put into operation and the rangers were trained.

The water purification device was made available to the rangers by aqua pura. It was important to provide the rangers with clean drinking water. The rangers in the Afi had not been paid by the Cross River State for months and were just before striking. This could be prevented thanks to our support with clean water and small rewards by WCS Nigeria for patrolling.

For more details see project blog:


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