Projects in Tanzania

Tanzania, Mwanza: St. Claire Hospital

December 2023

Over the years, the doctor and priest Thomas Brei from Wasserburg am Inn has built up a hospital with several specialisms in Mwanza, initially with the support of an association and later with the help of a foundation from Biberach (Thomas Kühn). Every year, German doctors carry out surgical and training missions here. At the instigation of the Victoria School (also in Mwanza and equipped with a functioning waterflow for years), aqua pura supplied a waterflow system for the hospital's drinking water supply. The installation has been delayed until the end of 2023, but looks all the better for it.


Tanzania, Bulyashi: Hospital and Community

December 2021
Together with bioRe®, aqua pura has installed a safe drinking water supply in the village of Bulyashi in Tanzania for the patients of the maternity ward and dispensary, local farming families and schoolchildren

In the maternity ward of Bulyashi village, per day about 40 expectant- and mothers with their children are taken care of. On average another 40 patients per day come for vaccinations or other treatments. Patients, their families, the staff as well as the inhabitants of the village including 150 pupils of the nearby school - they all need water for nutrition, hygiene etc. 


Until now, the water was collected manually from the sand on the riverbank and had to be transported for 500 m in canisters.

In order to facilitate this tedious daily activity, bioRe together with Einhorn built a cistern for collecting rainwater under the very committed and competent project management of Justina Samson from bioRe Tanzania.

At the suggestion of aqua pura, the project was then expanded: to ensure that patients and residents have access to clean drinking water as well as sufficient service water in the future, this cistern was supplemented with a waterflow system from aqua pura and a supply line for river water


Directly at the riverside, one of the "waterpoints", common in the area, is built, in which the water of the river collects, thus enabling the use of a submersible pump.


This solar panel on wheels is moved to the Waterpoint to power the submersible pump and otherwise is safely parked on the grounds of the maternity ward.


Residents are actively helping to lay a 500 m water pipe from the "water point" at the river to the cistern at the maternity ward. This way, the water can be pumped from the water point (river) directly into the cistern and the laborious transport of the heavy water containers by the women has become unnecessary. The cistern can now be filled with additional water if needed, thus ensuring the water supply even in the dry season.


The Waterflow System from aqua pura was reliably and safely installed and commissioned in the water station built by bioRe. As the instruction for the installation of the complete system on site was impossible due to the pandemic, a compact system from aqua pura was used: all components were installed in a tool cabinet in Switzerland and sent to Tanzania as a finished system. All that remained to be done on site was to connect the electricity and water pipes to the outside - and that was it!

Thanks to the excellent cooperation with Justina Samson, all questions were solved and everything now works without any problems! 


Now students, patients and the public can obtain bacteriologically and virologically clean drinking water, at the external taps and of course also in the maternity ward.

The aqua pura team thanks bioRe and Justina Samson for their reliable work and is happy together with her that this drinking water facility could be realised.

Details see project blog:

Tanzania, Mwanza: Victoria School

August 2016 

The Victoria School is located 10 kilometres outside the city centre of Mwanza. Many families are very poor and earn their livings with casual work. To escape poverty and to ensure a better future for their children, the biggest goal of many Tanzanian families is to allow their children a good education. See

In order that the students and the entire school staff can consume clean drinking water, a water purification system donated by aqua pura was installed by professionals on site and taken into operation.

Details see project blog:

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