Press and public
June 2021: The topic of clean drinking water in the school in Düdingen, Canton Fribourg Switzerland
The school subject "clean water" prompted class 8ha in Düdingen to act. Although the planned presentation by aqua pura had to be postponed, the pupils started to implement their plan immediately. They designed a flyer, made many beautiful and useful items and sold them to friends, acquaintances and interested visitors to their information stand. They handed over the proceeds of CHF 1,814.00 from the sale and another CHF 550.00 from donations to aqua pura to support our projects. In total, the students donated CHF 2,364.00. A great success and convincing proof that together we can achieve a lot. Many thanks to all!

As soon as the situation allowed, our President, Roland Widmer, seized the opportunity. During a presentation at the school in Düdingen, he showed the globally precarious situation and the challenges associated with water shortage and water hygiene. 39 pupils and teachers showed great interest in the presentation. The subsequent discussion was correspondingly stimulating and informative. And as we were able to experience: these students do not leave it at words!

More information
UN World Waterday and aqua pura
aqua pura has set itself the goal of raising the awareness of youth in schools on the topic of clean drinking water.
February 2017 and June 2018: In context with the teaching subject "clean water" at the Bilingual School in Pfäffikon, Canton Schwyz, aqua pura was invited to present the projects and to address the water problems and hygiene around the world in a two-hour lecture with pictures and film. Roland Widmer, president of aqua pura, was able to inspire the approximately 70 young people. The pupils and teachers listened attentively to his speech and took an active part in the discussion.
Projectblog: and

-, Ausgabe 19. November 2018, "Nachhaltige Hilfe am Äquator"
- Regio, R3, 12.04.2018 und Regio 5 vom 31.5.2018: "Sauberes Wasser für die Ärmsten"
- Zürcher Unterländer 28.06.2017: "10 Jahre Einsatz für Trinkwasser"
- Züricher Unterländer 27.03.2013: "Sauberes Wasser für Togo"
- Zürcher Unterländer 24.12.2011: "Neues Gerät für sauberes Wasser in Afrika"
- Tages Anzeiger 15.11.2011: "Sauberes Leitungswasser für Länder in Afrika"
- Zürcher Landzeitung 03.09.2009: "Forscher macht sauberes Wasser"

25 August 2011: aqua pura present at the partner exhibition of the SDC
The SDC (Directorate for Development and Cooperation) organized a partner exhibition at the Congress Center Beaulieu in Lausanne on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. aqua pura was invited to show and demonstrate the water project to approximately 2000 visitors.

100 years IBM - June 2011: Exhibition at the IBM Forum
Under the motto "making the world work better", aqua pura was invited to present the water project for Africa.

19th June 2010 - The world market Oerlikon was a success
The world market at the market square in Oerlikon in Zurich of 11th June and 13th August 2010 was a great success for aqua pura and also something new for the many visitors at our booth. They had never seen anything about UV-C radiation as a bacteria and virus killer. Our stand - as the picture shows - presented itself as a point of attraction.